God, my Exceeding Joy

"Then will I go unto the altar of God, unto God my exceeding joy: yea, upon the harp will I praise thee, O God my God." Psalm 43:4

Location: Oregon, United States

I met my husband while I was a missionary in Hong Kong. He had swum out of China after the Cultural Revolution. We have been married 32 years and have four children (2 biological and 2 adopted), ages 22-30. My mother also lives with us (she just turned 90). I am truly a blessed woman.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

Psalm 119:82

I'm still slowly moving through Psalm 119, reading Thomas Manton's sermons on each verse as I go. What a treasure house it has been to me! The verse for today was: "Mine eyes fail for thy word, saying, When will thou comfort me?" I have been echoing that lament this past week due to various and sundry recent circumstances in my life. From a human standpoint, there seems to be no good reason for all of the "delays" and interruptions in my well laid plans. And yet God has promised to work ALL things together for good, to do ALL things well, and to give us "not disaster" but rather "a future full of hope".

Manton lists some reasons God sometimes delays the performance of His promises to us:
"(1) Not because he is unwilling to give, but because he will have us better prepared to receive
(2) To awaken fervency of prayer, and that the blessing may be the more earnestly sought after, and highly valued...that which is earnestly sought, is the dearer to us.
(3) God doth it, to prove and exercise our faith.
(4) That patience may have its perfect work.
(5) God delayeth the accomplishment of his promises, because many times the frame of his providence requireth it. All God's works have their appointed hour and time...Our time wherein we would have him work, and his time wherein he will work, are often very different; for he will not manifest his help when it will please us best, but when his glory in working may be best seen." (emphasis added)

That last point about sums it up for me. He IS working mightily in all of our circumstances to conform us to the image of His Son, and to bring the most glory to Himself. "The fact that I'm held in the everlasting arms sustains me, comforts me, gives me peace" (Elisabeth Elliot).


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